This is the complete archive of all posts in reverse chronological order.
Stuff I can do (Almost) Anywhere
Do You Want Free Engraving With That?
Inviting the First Mavenns
Keeping Rails Migrations Rolling
Keeper of the Mahatma's Conscience
Thoughts on Tilak
बोलती जे अर्णव, पीयूषांचे
Mixing in MongoDB
Twilio on Rails
Mapping Internet Worlds
Rebalancing and Culling
Synthetic Bacteria, DNA Encoded Messages
AirDB can has_many_through
iAd - Applevertising
Bootstrapping Stories - TiE Panel 2
iPad Strategy
Dharma 101 at the United Church of Christ
Everyday items can turn against you
Gobekli Tepe And Musings on Civilization
श्रीमान योगी
Google Buzz is a Good Start, But...
Channeling Kernighan
Descent Into Flatland
Nike Free Or Die
Reflections in the iPad
gClouds and iDevices
A Work of Art Perpetually Auctions Itself
I Have a Dream
UI-driven Database Snapshot & Restore
MMX 2010
A Tale of Two Cities Through Skywalks
On Calendars
Going to America: A Ponzi scheme that works
Beach Entrepenure
Devdutt Pattanaik: East vs. West -- the myths that mystify
Rails-style jQuery UI Menu
On News
AirDB Join Table Attributes
Labels for Software Practitioners
A Stark Example of Product Evolution
Cuing FlixIQ
git init community
Harmonious Hashing
Conversing with Video
Chrome OS
AirDB - Credits & Inspirations
Niches - Economic and Ecologic
TextMate - Thanks, Mate!
Opera Unite - Against the Grain, Yay!
Sharing Augmented Reality
AirDB Updates
Amazon Continues to Amaze
AirDB available at github
Make your S's
Designing an ActionScript ORM